Legal Doctrine's code of good conduct is the heart of its success and reliability towards its clients, partners and collaborators. Legal Doctrine strives to ensure better accessibility of law in Algeria, from 1962 to date through legal platforms as well as the publication of legal texts, explanations and case law. Legal Doctrine also provides automated legal watch. Compliance with the rules of good conduct at Legal Doctrine constitutes the foundation of our charter. It is directly inspired by the values supported by the ethics of the legal professions. The principles of our code of conduct are based on the application of ethical rules in the actions carried out by the company. They allow Legal Doctrine to ensure transparency, loyalty and responsibility towards its partners, collaborators and subscribers.
Legal Doctrine is committed to respecting the essential values of: neutrality, transparency and loyalty in all its activities.
Through its publication, classification and recommendation of legal information services, Legal Doctrine refrains from any influence, misappropriation or favoritism to the detriment of its users.
As part of its activities, Legal Doctrine makes legal information and documents available to its subscribers through search engines. This commitment also includes data processing using artificial intelligence models.
The Legal Doctrine technical team is made up of data scientists, developers and designers. They undertake not to develop any product or service which could place them in a situation of conflict of interest.
Legal Doctrine has a team of senior lawyers involved at all stages of activities. This must be consulted by other teams before any publication or creation of a legal information product in order to check its relevance. The referents are also responsible for ensuring proper compliance with the provisions of this code.
The duly trained sales team must be able to enlighten customers on the use of platforms and the operation of algorithms. It will endeavor to present the values and commitments presented in this code.
Legal Doctrine commits to respect the protection of personal data in their processing in accordance with Law No. 18-07 of June 10, 2018 relating to the protection of individuals in the processing of personal data.
As a result, Legal Doctrine guarantees the confidentiality of users' personal data.
Legal Doctrine is committed to respecting the confidentiality of the parties concerned by a court decision. Thus, all decisions are published after anonymization of the parties.
All names appearing in court decisions are removed. The personal information of the parties is also deleted. Our team replaces these names with randomly generated initials.
The personal data of users of Legal Doctrine platforms is NEVER sold or made available for consultation by third parties. In cases where our subcontractors should need access to it in order to develop products, they will have access to it for a specific period and on condition of applying a policy as restrictive as that required by Legal Doctrine.
After users' agreement, the Legal Doctrine sales team accesses the information necessary for the sale or improvement of the services provided to users. Other teams have no right to review users’ personal information.
Relations between all employees must be based on mutual respect and trust. Personnel management is carried out in an egalitarian manner so as to guarantee the development of professional careers on the basis of recognition, dedication and skills.
All forms of harassment and racial, sexual, physical or religious discrimination are prohibited.
All Legal Doctrine employees are required to respect the values of transparency. It is for this reason that they undertake to avoid any situation likely to involve a conflict between their own interests and those of Legal Doctrine. In the event of a conflict of interest, employees must report it to a manager.
No employee must accept a paid or unpaid job offer from a third natural or legal person without the written authorization of the manager. No employee must accept any gift from customers.
Any form of advantage paid directly or indirectly with a view to benefiting from a more favorable situation is also prohibited.
Legal Doctrine has professional civil liability insurance and undertakes to pay any compensation to its employees in the event of an incident in the exercise of their activities. All employees are required to respect the confidentiality policy for legal, financial, strategic or commercial data and documents entrusted to them in the exercise of their duties.
All employees are also required to maintain the strictest confidentiality regarding past, current or future projects, before, during and after their passage through Legal Doctrine.